Friday, May 1, 2009


I'm interested in branding for nonprofits and progressive causes. Who's your target audience? What's your message? Whats the best way to convey this message? It'd be interesting to look at successful brands, such as Obama's and the current Democratic party vs. the failing GOP brand. But I don't know if I have the skills for being a good brander. I've just started looking into it. And also, I have this other belief that people will be able to understand which is the good policy without branding, but with substance. But hey, the Obama brand just made me like him even more. So maybe it has more value than I'd think. I just don't like the thought of paying $50 for the brand, when the real value is only like $1. But that's for retail. But it's similar for other things. Branding has that degree of psychological manipulation... But then again everything you say to people, every argument you present, is a form of psychological manipulation. And I want to be manipulative anyway, or at least have those skills to convince people of things when I need to.

1 comment:

mirthbottle said...

hey! that's actually what i'm interested in. so i'm visiting jjhu in d.c. right now and i've been talking to people about how to get into this. they suggest working for nonprofits on the side as a start and look into non profit consulting. another option is to try to get a job working for deciding who gets grands or venture capitalists.